上海交通大學 副教授 博士生導師
2018 管理學博士,香港科技大學
2013 農商學碩士,美國德州農工大學
2011 經濟學學士,南京大學
2022.1-至今 副教授,上海交通大學
2018.8-2021.12 助理教授,上海交通大學
1. Zhang, X., Xie, L.*, Li, J., & Cheng, L. (2022). “Outside in”: Global demand heterogeneity and dynamic capabilities of multinational enterprises. Journal of International Business Studies,53 (4), 709-722. (equal first authorship)
2. Xie, L., Zhou, J., Zong, Q.*, & Lu, Q. (2020). Gender diversity in R&D teams and innovation efficiency: Role of the innovation context. Research Policy, 49(1), 103885.
3. Zhong, W., Ma, Z., Tong, T. W., Zhang, Y., & Xie, L. (2021). Customer concentration, executive attention, and firm search behavior. Academy of Management Journal, 64(5), 1625-1647.
4. Xie, Z., Xie, L.*, & Li, J. (2021). Direct subsidies or tax credits? The effects of different R&D policy tools. International Journal of Technology Management, 86(1), 25-43.
5.Wan, G., Xie, L.*, Li, J., & Jiang, D. (2022). Entertainment Spending and Capturing Value from Innovation in Chinese Firms. Management and Organization Review, 18(4), 623-657.
6. Yao, K., Xie, L.*, Li, J., & Xu, M. 2023 (In press). Subnational-level government influence and FDI location choices: The moderating roles of resource dependence relations. Journal of International Business Studies.
7. 謝露群,范蕾 & 王倩.(2022).CEO家庭—工作充實對企業(yè)創(chuàng)業(yè)導向的影響. 研究與發(fā)展管理(05),61-71.
8.王倩 & 謝露群..CEO自我導向完美主義與企業(yè)綠色創(chuàng)新. 軟科學.
9. 謝露群,錢靜舒,&王倩. 信息技術賦能:IT能力對組織韌性的影響研究. 管理學報.
10. Wang, Q., Xie, L., & Zhu, D. (2022). Educational level of researchers in spin-out R&D units and external technology acquisition: The higher, the more? Journal of Technology Transfer. Accepted.
11. Wang, Q., Wu, Q., Xie, L., & Zhang, X.(2023). CEO Self-oritented Perfectionism, strategic decision comprehensiveness and firm resilience. Management Decision. Accepted.
科研項目:國家自然科學基金青年項目(No.72002127, 2021-2023), 240,000 RMB。
Editorial Board: Journal of International Business Studies (2020-2022);
Ad-hoc Reviewers: Research Policy, Management and Organization Review, Asia Pacific Journal of Management
5 數字化轉型
6 統計學基礎