BSP022_Module outline(doc)










BSP022_Module outline(doc)
Loughborough University Business School Module Outline for 02BSP022 Marketing Management |Modular weight |15 | |Exam weighting |75 | |Prereq modules |None | |Availability |3 | |Internal Examiner |Dr. Chanaka Jayawardhena and Mr. Gareth | | |Smith | |Semester taught |Semester One | |Keywords |MARKETING,STRATEGY,PLANNING,ANALYSIS | Aims The aims of this module are: to provide an understanding of the core concepts and skills in Marketing Management; to develop skills needed to analyse marketing problems; to develop the ability to work together effectively, efficiently and cooperatively as a team member, and, when appropriate, organise, guide and motivate other team members. Intended Learning Outcomes On completion of this module, students should be able to: Knowledge and Understanding: - analyse the marketing environment of an organisation; - discuss the choice of strategic focus for an organisation; - develop a core marketing strategy; - develop a basic marketing plan; - construct a logical marketing mix within the marketing planning context; - explain organisational requirements of effective marketing management. Subject-specific Skills: - critically assess and interpret marketing data; - analyse marketing problems using appropriate marketing tools; - develop, evaluate and assess alternative scenarios for marketing management tasks; - prepare a marketing plan. Transferable Skills: - work effectively in a small team on analysing and solving marketing problems; - make oral presentations of marketing plans to a management audience. Contents Customer-led business; strategic marketing planning; buyer behaviour; the marketing information system; market segmentation; positioning and differential advantage; creating competitive advantage; market dynamics and competitive strategy; the marketing mix; building customer relationships. Method of Teaching, Learning and Assessment Total student effort for the module: 150 hours on average over one semester. Teaching and Learning: Lectures (normally 2 hours per week) Student effort made up of: a) Contact time: lectures, seminars and groupwork: 19 to 23 hours b) Private study comprising guided reading and preparation associated with lectures; student self-directed reading in the subject area of the module; preparation and production of assessed coursework; examination preparation and revision. Assessment: One written case study assignment (25%) and a two-hour written examination (75%) taken at the end of the Semester. Staff Lecturers: Dr. Chanaka Jayawardhena, Room. BE 2.19, ( (01509 22) 8831, ( Mr. Gareth Smith, Room. BE 2.32, ( (01509 22) 3126, ( It is advisable to arrange specific appointments via email as and when required. Schedule The proposed schedule of topics is as follows. |Lec|Monday |Topic |Reading* | |tur|0900 - 1100 | | | |er |hrs | | | | |& | | | | |1400-1600 | | | | |hrs | | | |CJ |30/09/02 |Coursework handed out |Jobber Ch. 1 | | | |Introduction to Marketing, Marketing | | | | |Orientation, Marketing in the Public | | | | |and Private Sector | | | | |Case study guidance | | |CJ |07/10/02 |Buyer Behaviour in Consumer and |Jobber Ch. 3,4 | | | |Organisational Markets. | | | | |Winters Company | | |CJ |14/10/02 |Market Segmentation, Targeting and |Jobber Ch. 7 | | | |Positioning | | | | |Repositioning Budweiser | | |CJ |21/10/02 |Marketing Strategy Marketing Planning |Jobber Ch. 2 | | | |Weatherpruf Shoe Waxes | | |CJ |28/10/02 |Marketing Research |Jobber Ch. 6 | | | |Quantitative and Qualitative Methods | | | | |Harveys Stores | | |GS |04/11/03 |Product/Service Management |Jobber Ch. 8 | | | |Müller Dairy UK | | |GS |11/11//02 |Developing New products |Jobber Ch. 9 | | | |Swatch | | |GS |18/11/02 |Coursework handed in |Jobber Ch. 11, | | | |Promotion: Advertising, Sales Promotion|12, 13 | | | |and Selling Acuvue/Jell-O/Coca-Cola | | | | |Video Cases | | |GS |25/11/02 |Sponsorship and Brand Building |Jobber Ch. 15 | | | |Kuala Lumpur 1998: Commonwealth Games | | |GS |02/12/02 |Pricing and the rest of the Marketing |Jobber Ch. 10, | | | |Mix |14, 16 | | | |Hansen Bathrooms | | |CJ |09/12/02 |Marked coursework returned | | |& | |REVISION AND EXAM DISCUSSION | | |GS | | | | Assessment The formal assessment for this course is as follows: 25% Group coursework assignment 75% Examination Reading The following course text will provide you with a good overall coverage of the course and it is advisable to consult it on a regular basis as indicated in the timetable above. In addition, a supplementary text is identified and other readings will be recommended throughout the course. Compulsory Jobber, D. (2001), Principles and Practise of Marketing, McGraw-Hill. Supplemetary Kotler, P. Armstrong, G. Saunders, J. Wong, V., Principles of Marketing, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall Europe, 1999. Note: European edition The most up to date reading list is found on the University web site ’ Online Reading lists - BSP022 Marketing Management’ You are also advised to consult academic marketing journals such as European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research and Journal of Marketing Research Society. D:My DocumentsLoughboroughBSP022BSP022_Module outline.doc
BSP022_Module outline(doc)


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