









|[pic] | |[pic] | | | | | |[pic] | | | |There are three steps to making an IBM presentation: | | | |[pic] | | | | | |[pic] | |Plan It offers advice on organizing your message, sharpening | |your focus on what you want to say, and arranging it in a | |manner that audiences can follow. | | | |[pic] | |Prepare It is a resource for constructing graphic support | |materials in Freelance Graphics (PowerPoint is also | |supported). You will find instructions on how to include | |elements such as text, charts and graphs in a style that will| |be consistent to all our audiences - an "IBM look," in much | |the same way that our advertising and marketing materials | |have a distinct appearance. | | | |[pic] | |Present It offers tips on how to deliver what you’ve prepared| |effectively to an audience. Presentations are not about | |showing a series of slides; they are about you, communicating| |a message, with visual elements in a supporting role. | |[pic] |[pic] | |[pic] | | | |Where to begin | | | |[pic] | |In her book Secrets of Power Presentations, Micki Holliday suggests | |answering the following questions as a first start to organizing your| |presentation: | | | | | |[pic] | | | | | |o What does the audience need to know? | |o What does the audience want to know? | |o What are the possible benefits of a successful meeting for this | |audience? ("What’s in it for me?") | |o What questions might the audience have? | | | | | | | | | | | |Here’s what you do first: Stop. Take some time. As Thomas Watson Sr. | |used to advise, famously: Think. | | | |You are about to mount an argument. What do you need? Don’t succumb | |to the temptation of collecting every apparently relevant item into a| |jumble and then trying to reshuffle them into a coherent order. ("Jim| |has a nice chart on this, and Lisa has some good market data, I’ll | |get those.") That’s the flawed technique behind many of the more | |overblown, leaden presentations you’ve ever dozed through. That’s | |working backwards. Instead, start with nothing... and work forward. | | | |Ask yourself this: What is my point? Every presentation is an attempt| |to communicate something. It may be a complex topic, with lots of | |supporting data, but fundamentally there will always be something | |simple you want to say. It might be "IBM understands your business," | |or "This technology is the best for our requirements" or "We need | |more time to do this job right." | | | |Figure out what you’re trying to communicate, in its simplest, | |clearest, most concise form. Write it down, in one sentence. Does it | |make sense? Does it really cut to the heart of what you need to | |convey? If not, rewrite it. | | | |If you only could deliver this one sentence to your audience, with no| |charts or any supporting information, would this be the one you’d | |choose? | | | |Composing this basic sentence might take two minutes, or it might | |take an hour. It doesn’t really matter which. Just get it right. | |Without a clear point of view, you are navigating without direction. | | | |Get it wrong, and you’ll struggle the rest of the way. | | | |Get it right, and the pieces will begin falling naturally into place | |behind it. | |Build your case | |OK, you’re clear about the point you need to convey. But it’s safe to| |assume that your audience is not prepared to accept your message on | |faith. After all, if everyone in the room already knew what you | |wanted to tell them, and agreed with it, there would be no point | |whatever to your standing up and talking. | | | |The purpose of your talk is to move your audience to your point of | |view. So you will have to build your case. You need to organize your | |argument. | | | |Make a rough flow chart of the information you are going to present. | |Just sketch it out on paper - this isn’t going to be a chart you’ll | |show, and you’ll probably have to revise it a few times anyway. | | | |The organizing principle behind this is a pyramid: each statement you| |make will have one, or more likely several, supporting pieces of | |information under it. As you build your presentation in this outline | |form, a pyramid will form, with your basic statement at the top and | |everything else arrayed beneath it. Don’t worry yet about the order | |in which you’ll actually present each item. Just get them all down on| |paper to look at. | | | |The Pyramid Principle book listed in our recommended reading list is | |devoted to this method of organization, and it’s a useful resource. | |But the basic idea is really common sense, merely a way of laying out| |your information so you can arrange and, later on, present it | |logically. | | | |Let’s take a look at a hypothetical presentation and how you might | |organize its various elements, using this technique. | |From the top down | |Let’s assume your basic point is: IBM’s solution is your best option,| |because its combination of products and services is integrated and | |flexible, and because we understand your business challenges. | | | |Now, put yourself in your audience’s position. They want to know why | |they should believe this. They expect proof. | | | |You have, let’s assume, four reasons. First, IBM products work | |together. Second, IBM offers the flexibility of open systems. Third, | |IBM services tie everything together. Fourth, IBM has experience in | |the customer’s industry. | | | |This is the heart and framework of your pitch. Lay it out | |graphically. | | | |[pic] | | | |You now see that you’re going to open by stating your main point, and| |you’re going to proceed through your presentation by offering facts | |and data in these four areas. Don’t worry yet about which will come | |first. | | ...


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