









[pic] [pic] 目錄 TABLE OF CONTENTS 背 景 BACKGROUND 6 了解本指南 UNDERSTANDING THIS GUIDE 10 八模塊企業(yè)發(fā)展階梯 THE 8 MODULE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT LADDER 14 模塊一:了解你的企業(yè) MODULE 1: UNDERSTANDING WHAT BUSINESS YOU ARE IN 16 概述 OVERVIEW 16 主要學習目標 KEY LEARNING OBJECTIVES 19 工具 TOOLS 21 典型的模塊一程序 TYPICAL MODULE 1 PROGRAM 23 需完成的任務 TASKS TO BE COMPLETED 25 模塊二:了解顧客、市場和產品 MODULE 2: UNDERSTANDING THE CUSTOMERS, MARKETS AND PRODUCTS 54 概述 OVERVIEW 54 主要學習目標 KEY LEARNING OBJECTIVES 57 工具 TOOLS 59 典型模塊二程序 TYPICAL MODULE 2 PROGRAM 62 需完成的任務 TASKS TO BE COMPLETED 64 模塊三:確定商業(yè)模式 MODULE 3: DEFINING THE BUSINESS MODEL 96 概述 OVERVIEW 96 主要學習目標 KEY LEARNING OBJECTIVES 98 工具 TOOLS 100 典型的模塊三程序 TYPICAL MODULE 3 PROGRAM 103 需完成的任務 TASKS TO BE COMPLETED 104 需完成的任務 TASKS TO BE COMPLETED 105 模塊四:員工授權 MODULE 4: TEAM EMPOWERMENT 137 對企業(yè)業(yè)績進行管理 MANAGING ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE 139 主要學習目標 KEY LEARNING OBJECTIVES 140 工具 TOOLS 142 需完成的任務 TASKS TO BE COMPLETED 147 模塊五:市場營銷戰(zhàn)略計劃 MODULE 5: STRATEGIC MARKETING PLAN 179 概述 OVERVIEW 179 主要學習目標 KEY LEARNING OBJECTIVES 181 工具 TOOLS 183 典型的模塊五程序 TYPICAL MODULE 5 PROGRAM 187 需完成的任務 TASKS TO BE COMPLETED 189 模塊六:企業(yè)系統(tǒng)化 MODULE 6: BUSINESS INDEPENDENCE 219 概述 OVERVIEW 219 主要學習目標 KEY LEARNING OBJECTIVES 222 工具 TOOLS 224 典型的模塊六程序 TYPICAL MODULE 6 PROGRAM 227 需完成的任務 TASKS TO BE COMPLETED 229 模塊七:組織結構, 知識,環(huán)境管理和技術應用戰(zhàn)略 MODULE 7: ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE, KNOWLEDGE, ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY STRATEGIES 261 概述 OVERVIEW 261 主要學習目標 KEY LEARNING OBJECTIVES 264 工具 TOOLS 242 典型的模塊七程序 TYPICAL MODULE 7 PROGRAM 244 需完成的任務 TASKS TO BE COMPLETED 272 模塊八:反饋和持續(xù)改善 MODULE 8: FEEDBACK AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT 303 概述 OVERVIEW 303 學習目標 LEARNING OBJECTIVES 305 工具 TOOLS 306 典型的模塊八程序 TYPICAL MODULE 8 PROGRAM 310 需完成的任務 TASKS TO BE COMPLETED 311 需完成的任務 TASKS TO BE COMPLETED 312 注NOTES 343 注NOTES 344 注NOTES 345 注NOTES 346 背 景 Background 本指南旨在為咨詢顧問公司和其它商業(yè)服務機構提供技術和方法,使他們能夠成功地為 中小企業(yè)提供咨詢服務。 This guide is designed to provide consultants and other service providers with techniques and methodologies that will enable them to embark on successful consulting engagements with small/medium size enterprises (SMEs). 這里提供的資料旨在幫助咨詢顧問公司能夠與中小企業(yè)建立互惠的關系。 這些方法不僅可以獲得 “快速取勝”的效果, 還能夠促進咨詢顧問與客戶之間建立長期的關系----這是一種讓咨詢顧問獲得 “受信任的顧問”的地位的關系, 是一種使雙方的知識和資源匯集成一個 “知識和資源庫”的關系。 The materials provided, aim to enable the consultant to engage with SMEs in a mutually beneficial relationship. While the methodologies used will provide “quick wins,” the materials are designed to facilitate a long-term relationship between consultant and client – a relationship where the consultant earns the status of “trusted advisor” and where the knowledge and resources of both parties are used to create a “pool of knowledge and resources.” 該項目的目的是改善企業(yè)在財務和運營這兩方面的業(yè)績。 這是通過在企業(yè)中實施許許多多小的措施后達到的結果。 普通和優(yōu)秀企業(yè)的區(qū)別總是體現(xiàn)在這些小事情之中! The purpose of the program is to improve the performance of the business – both financially and operationally. This will be achieved as a result of the many, many little things that you implement in your business. The difference between and ordinary and extra-ordinary business always lies in these little things! 本項目分為八個模塊 The program is split into 8 Modules; 1. 了解你的企業(yè) Understanding What Business You Are In; 2. 了解你的客戶,產品和市場 Understanding Your Customers, Products and Markets; 3. 商業(yè)模式 The Business Model; 4. 員工授權 Team Empowerment; 5. 市場營銷戰(zhàn)略計劃 The Strategic Marketing Plan; 6. 企業(yè)系統(tǒng)化 Business Independence; 7. 組織結構,知識, 環(huán)境管理和技術應用戰(zhàn)略 Organizational Structure, Knowledge, Environment Management and Technology Strategies; and 8. 反饋與持續(xù)改善 Feedback and Continuous Improvement. 我們建議你在按月收取客戶咨詢費的前提上, 全面實施本項目。 但是, 在某些情況下, 先提供本項目的部分內容可能更合適, 例如, “客戶咨詢會”, 或 “優(yōu)質服務—爭創(chuàng)第一”的客戶服務培訓。 We recommend that you implement the program in its entirety based on the client paying a fixed monthly fee for your services. However in some instances it may be more appropriate to offer just a few aspects of the program, for example, the Customer Advisory Session or the “Exceptional Service – Leading The Pack” customer service training. 本項目旨在了解企業(yè), 提出和實施改進措施, 提供對企業(yè)所有者和員工都有實際意義的培訓。 本項目旨在使企業(yè)業(yè)績得到長期, 顯著的改善。 The program is based on exploring the business, generating and implementing improvements and providing practical meaningful training to both the business owners and the team members. It is based on achieving significant long-term business performance improvements. 了解本指南 Understanding This Guide 本指南旨在概述經營業(yè)績改善項目的八個模塊。 This guide aims to provide an overview of the 8 Module Business Performance Improvement Program. 經營業(yè)績改善項目共分為八個模塊: The Business Performance Improvement Program has been split into 8 distinct Modules: 1. 了解你的企業(yè) Understanding What Business You Are In; 2. 了解你的客戶,產品和市場 Understanding Your Customers, Products and Markets; 3. 商業(yè)模式 The Business Model; 4. 員工授權 Team Empowerment; 5. 市場營銷戰(zhàn)略計劃 The Strategic Marketing Plan; 6. 企業(yè)系統(tǒng)化 Business Independence; 7. 組織結構,知識, 環(huán)境管理和技術應用戰(zhàn)略 Organisational Structure, Knowledge, Environment Management and Technology Strategies; and 8. 反饋與持續(xù)改善 Feedback and Continuous Improvement 本指南接下來的部分對每個模塊進行了概述。 每個模塊都由8個步驟組成。 本指南中還提供有圖表, 以幫助咨詢顧問學習和理解這一流程。此外, 有工具提供的步驟也標注有專門的符號。針對每個模塊, 我們都已提供了以下的內容: The following sections of this guide will provide an overview of each of these Modules. Each Module is broken down into an eight stage process. Where possible, throughout the guide, diagrams have been used to facilitate the learning and understanding process. In addition, symbols have been used to identify the tools used in each stage of the process. For each Module of the process, we have provided: o 該模塊的概述 An overview of the Module; o 主要學習目標(以(表示) Key Learning Objectives (denoted by (); o 該模塊中提供的工具(以(表示) A list of the available tools for that Module (denoted by (); o 以圖示方法列出八個步驟 A diagrammatic representation of the 8 stages involved; and o “需完成的工作” 清單, 與工具相互參照 ( 以[pic]表示) A list of “Things to Do,” cross-referenced to the tools (denoted by [pic]) 戰(zhàn)略性經營業(yè)績改善模式 The Strategic Business Performance Improvement Model 八模塊企業(yè)發(fā)展階梯 The 8 Module Business Development Ladder 模塊一:了解你的企業(yè) Module 1: Understanding What Business You Are In 概述 Overview 任何咨詢業(yè)務的開始階段都是非常重要的。 作為咨詢顧問, 你所負責的是過程—-- 這是需要特別引起你注意的,你幾乎不太可能控制結果。 你和你的客戶一起開始了一個令人興奮的旅程。 在這個旅程中, 客戶和咨詢顧問之間要進行雙方向互動的知識交流。 這種信息的交流過程本身同信息一樣有價值。 The initial stage of any consulting assignment is particularly important. As the consultant you are responsible for the process – it is important to note, that it is almost impossible for you to control the outcome. You and your client are embarking on an exciting journey together. During this journey, knowledge will be transferred between both parties - the client and the consultant. The process of this information transfer is as valuable as the information itself. 各方都要了解自己在這一關系中所扮演的角色---你只是咨詢項目的推動人, 而不是客戶業(yè)務的專家! All parties must understand your role in the relationship – you are the facilitator of the program, you are not an expert in your client’s business! 一般來講, 在項目的第一階段, 你要收集關于客戶及其業(yè)務的信息。 你還要召開你的第一次戰(zhàn)略計劃會議。 第一階段的目的是建立客戶和咨詢顧問之間的關系, 并開始經營業(yè)績改善項目的 “計劃” 階段。 Typically, during this first stage of the program you will gather information regarding your client and their business. You will also hold your 1st Strategic Planning Session. This first stage of the program is designed to develop the relationship between client and consultant and begin the “planning” stage of the Business Performance Improvement Program. 主要學習目標 Key Learning Objectives 下面的清單詳細列舉了模塊一---- “了解你的企業(yè)”主要學習目標的一些內容: The following list details some of the Key Learning Objectives of Module 1 – Understanding What Business You Are In: o 了解企業(yè)所有者 (或主要股東)的個人和企業(yè)目標, 并開始以所有者的個人目標為基礎制定企業(yè)宗旨和/或遠景; To understand the personal and professional goals of the business owners (or key stakeholders), and begin to develop the Mission and/ or Vision for the business based on the personal objectives of the owners; o 了解企業(yè)當前財務和非財務方面的業(yè)績情況概況; To obtain an overview of the current financial and non-financial performance of the business; o 了解企業(yè)所服務的市場,及其產品在各自生命周期中所處的位置; To understand where the business and each market is in its product life cycle; o 了解如何評估企業(yè)的價值和系統(tǒng)化會給企業(yè)價值帶...


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