









Managing the Next Generation: Lessons from the U.S.
Is There Something Really Different About Jobs Now?

Yes. The notion of a secure, long-term career is harder to imagine.
During the economic “boom” 49% still had downsizing
AMA survey – 63 percent cutting in one division and expanding in another
Economy turns fast –
Employers expecting to hire 19% more college grads in Spring 2001 than in 2000.
By Sept 2001, expecting to hire 20% fewer grads.
It’s The New Deal at Work
The End of Lifetime Commitments
But Workers are not all Temps, Either!
It’s an Open-Ended Arrangement, negotiated and based on the outside market

Why does that matter?
Is This Really New?
That Depends on How Old You Are
The Short History of Lifetime Employment

Why We Moved Toward Careers Inside Companies

It Wasn’t Always So Great. Remember The Organizational Man?
What Caused the Change?
Institutional Ownership and Shareholder Value: The Scott Paper Case
Pressures from Markets: Speed and Variety
The Third Wave of Corporate Restructuring
New Management Techniques: Bringing the Market Inside the Firm
Effects on Employee Management
Employee Tenure:
Down with employer: Up with occupation
Dismissals quicker
Training: Not rising
Wages: Returns to seniority falling
The Big Management Challenges
Retention, Training Investments, Commitment
How About Demographics?

Are There Shortages of Skills?
Or is the problem more complex?
How About Technical and IT Skills?
The “Cobweb” Model

…What Else?
Talent Management – the best really matter
Jobs offer more scope for contributions
Poor performers are demoralizing

Performance Management – how can you tell who the best are

If your best employee had an offer to leave at 2x the pay…
Could you match it?
How do you feel about forced rankings?
Why are they popular?
…Does the Next Generation Really Have Different Attitudes?
What do they expect from jobs?
Characteristics in First Employers* Please rate the importance of each of the following in choosing a first employer
Challenging assignments
Company values balance between personal life and career
Competitive benefits
Competitive salary
Financial strength
Good reference for my future career
High-achiever program
High ethical standards
Immediate responsibility
Likeable/inspiring colleagues
Ongoing educational opportunities
Opportunity to influence my own work schedule
Opportunity to specialize
Opportunities for continuous learning
Secure employment
Variety of tasks or assignments
* From Pricewaterhouse survey of 1500 MBA students from around the world
Characteristics in First Employers Please rate the importance of each of the following in choosing a first employer
Good reference for my future career ---------------------------------------------------42%
Company values balance between personal life and career ------------------41%
Likeable/inspiring colleagues -----------------------------------------------------37%
Competitive salary -------------------------------------------------------------34%
Challenging assignments --------------------------------------------------33%
Competitive benefits ------------------------------------------------------32%
Opportunities for continuous learning ----------------------------31%
Opportunity to specialize --------------------------------------------30%
Secure employment ---------------------------------------------------30%
Financial strength ----------------------------------------------------29%
High ethical standards ----------------------------------------------29%
Ongoing educational opportunities ------------------------27%
High-achiever program ---------------------------------------26%
Variety of tasks or assignments ---------------------------26%
Immediate responsibility ----------------------------------24%
Opportunity to influence my own work schedule- 24%
Their Attitudes Are Different
They don’t believe the old deal.
More willing to take risks -- failure ok
Building careers across jobs
clear performance management
prefer flat hierarchy
What to do?
Explicit and short-term contracts
tailor job to individual

Performance Management is Crucial to the Next Generation
Because their trust is short-term, they want criteria spelled out
Because they are trying to build a skill set, they want to know how they are doing
Crucial to Talent Management, too
What to do about it?
Focus on supervisors
Performance reviews and appraisals are one place to start
Has the Economic Slowdown Changed Their Attitudes?
B-to-B and B-to-C….
Jobtrak.com poll – year 2000
16% wanted to work for start-ups
31% said Fortune 1000
What’s it look like now…?

…not yet…
In year 2001, 12% still said start-ups
v. 36% Fortune 1000
– away from start-ups, but no big move back to big companies.
For “hot jobs” in engineering, IT, still about 2 jobs per good applicant

Recruiting and Retention….
Recruiting New Workers….
What is the best way to find good workers?
Self-selection – describe the job accurately and truthfully to get the right applicants
What techniques predict good workers?
Interviews can be misleading
Look at prior experiences that are related
Skill tests matter
The Problem: Retention
Is it more of a “pull” or a “push”?
The new development is a pull -- “poaching” of intellectual capital
Why this is not going away:
The need for speed
Better information about opportunities

Outside hiring drives internal candidates away
Poor “fits” leave quicker in tight labor markets
Online Recruiting Changes The Game for Everyone
Opening up the labor markets
Making info cheap, shifted the balance of power to employees
Will employees continue to believe management?
The “passive” applicant now SO easy to find and hire
Wetfeet survey – 36% happy with their job but willing to move within 6 months!
Auction sites like NurseAmerica.com – what’s next?
When Workers Leave… At least Shape Who and When….

Can you pay them to stay?
Differentiating among employees
Tailoring to their needs
Social relations hold employees
The power of social ties
Reorganizing work
Project work -- help them build their record.

Fix the Cheapest Things That Drive Turnover First….
Conflicts with supervisors –
Simple training helps a lot
Developing a performance culture
Cultures that don’t recognize merit are demoralizing
Manage out low performers to keep good ones
Create room for advancement
In part by managing out low performers
May have to rotate or promote faster
Alternatives to Retaining Employees

Accommodate it -- what’s the real problem?
Maybe retention isn’t the only answer
Redistribute turnover and manage flows better
Keep the intellectual capital
Even if the people leave

Another Alternative … Getting Better at Recruiting
You’ll be doing more of it anyway, and better “fits” reduce turnover
The Marriott Experience Targeting Applicants
Moving toward internships and coops –
50% of grads may have commitments to employers beginning of senior year
The GE Experience
Accenture – in Sophomore year

Employers Getting Closer to Schools….
Online Recruiting Meets Marketing
Build the HR Brand: Applicant as Customer
20% applicants apply because of product ads
Links with marketing, driving to web
More Sophisticated Tracking and Screening
Relationship Marketing
Alumni networks, NYLife 8,000 sign ups in 1st month
Training and Development….
How Can We Make Training Investments Pay if They Leave?
The Challenge is to Finance the Investment
Having Employees Share the Costs
Training contracts
Reducing the up-front investment
On-the-job, just-in-time
Why Is Development So Hard to Do?
Can you be sure what you’re developing for?
Old model – required lots of resources
Will decentralized management pay for corporate development?
Alternatives: What was your best development experience?
Let employees drive it – the open market
Succession Planning?
Why Bother?
Can’t be sure of need/don’t “own” the people
Can you keep the “promises?”
Better Option: Develop Depth of Talent
Keep better track of internal and external skills
Opening up the internal labor market
Self-select: Make the employees drive it
Managing a Talent Portfolio
The Problem: Matching Human Capital to Changing Demands
How would things change if these were “assets” rather than people?
Can We Predict Demand Better?
Manage the Supply Chain Better
Can You Manage Without Commitment?
Why it’s declining among the next generation
What sort of commitment do you really need?
How to get it --
attachment to individuals and teams
to projects
work systems
What Issues Will Continue into the Next Generation?
“Talent” remains in short supply even if workers aren’t -- talent mgt matters
Open labor markets demand new skills from HR
The next generation expects it
Retention, making training investments pay, and commitment continue to be challenges


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